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A Wedding Ceremony Alternative

Updated: Nov 24, 2021

Last week was World Celebrants Week 2021.

I know, a whole week to celebrate the celebrants!

You may be asking, ‘What is a celebrant anyway?’

I'm one.

A Wedding Celebrant Explained

So much confusion can come with the title. I thought I would clear it up for those of you who are thinking about your perfect wedding.

A celebrant is the person who writes and officiates at your wedding ceremony. The ceremony is the part of your wedding day celebrations where the story of your unique love can be told, traditional or original customs can be performed and vows or intentions spoken, it’s the significant bit.

Celebrants are not Registrars. For that reason, the words you speak or the story your guests receive will be matchless. No other couple will have communicated their bond with the same pledges, expression or meaning.

A celebrant led wedding ceremony does not include the registration of marriage. Registration can be conducted simply at a Register Office, however, you can be assured that you and your guests will experience a truly authentic ceremony on your special day, when rings or gifts can be exchanged, vows or promises can be spoken, and customs are welcomed.

Independent celebrants are free to hold spiritual beliefs if they choose to and are therefore not humanist. This allows them to embrace spiritual practices that couples may wish to include in their ceremony.

Distinctively, a celebrant will get to know you. Your ceremony will reflect what your celebrant has understood about who you are as people, the sentiments you wish to carry forward as wedded partners and what your perfect ceremony will look like.

Your celebrant led ceremony is not restricted to a building.

If you want to speak your pledges on a beach at sunset or in a beautifully created ceremony space, you can.

Celebrants are listeners, writers, creators, and orators.

Of course, there's much more. If you would like to know how a celebrant can help you create the perfect ceremony for you, just ask. I’m hoping this will get you thinking about who you would like to officiate at your wedding day ceremony.

Lesley Maria Wyatt

Heart Led Celebrant​

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